Youth Rugby

Welcome to our newest club. Mr Greenwood will be introducing our 2nd-5th grade students to Rugby!

This 7 week introductory course will be based on the Tag Rugby format (think Flag Football) building on the basic skills of the game such as:

  • Passing the ball effectively

  • How do you move forward as a team when the ball can only be passed backwards?

  • Phases of play

  • Working as a team to build possession and momentum

  • Overall fitness and agility for the game

Mr Greenwood played college Rugby at Loughborough University and went on to play top tier Rugby in the Netherlands and with the British Army.


Sessions start Tuesday 9th Jan and run through to 20th Feb from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.


Down on the school soccer field Pick up outside the gym.


2nd-5th grade. Boys and girls. A minimum of 10 students required.


Wear PE uniform and dress appropriately for the cold weather.


$90 for 7 sessions. Venmo to @adam-greenwood-16 - last four 6684

Did you know that the Rugby World Cup will be hosted in the USA in 2031?

Rugby is the 3rd most watched sporting event in the world after the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup.